Our women's services are devoted to creating a safe, supportive, caring environment for each woman on her journey to health and happiness. We work collaboratively with each woman to draw on her innate potential to lead a more fulfilling life. You can expect to increase your self-awareness,
by Dr. James E. Strohl Focusing is an innovative technique developed by Eugene Gendlin from extensive research into what makes therapy work. The earliest origins of Focusing are found in Gendlin’s collaborative relationship in the 1950’s with Carl Rogers, the Founder of Client-Centered
We offer psycho-spiritual services that address the moral, religious, and spiritual influences on one's psychological and behavioral functioning with a special emphasis on transcendental forces and values. Our services are not restricted to any specific religious faith or spiritual orientations.
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The CPD staff consists of two male and two female psychologists with numerous credentials and many years of experience in a variety of public, private, college, hospital, agency, and organizational settings. Primary staff activities include counseling, coaching, psychotherapy, teaching, and
Any individual, group, school, agency, or business is invited to call for information or to request services. All referrals and services are strictly confidential. 701 W. Broad St., Suite 207, Bethlehem, PA 18018 (610) 868-1577 Jestrohl@aol.com